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“Social Media and Technological Concerns in Divorce Law,” Best Lawyers’ Legal Insights

In an article published by Best Lawyers’ Legal Insights on Nov. 29, 2016, Bob Boyd offers guidance to other family law attorneys on how the use of social media can hurt a divorce case, and how to handle these situations when it comes to clients. The article details that social media, if used correctly, can be a benefit to a case and lists many helpful tips for family law attorneys, including, guarding the client’s social media image, being aware of spoliation, protecting all devices and investigating the opposing party, among others. Boyd emphasizes that “New demographics are stepping onto the social media stage and utilizing it in different ways by shaping the way we spend time, communicate with others and learn information. It is clear that social media evidence will continue to play a role in domestic relations cases. Thus, it is important for attorneys to advise their clients regarding social media evidence.” The article was originally published by Law Journal Newsletters. To read the full article, you may click here.

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