Tag archives for BCNTR Law
testWhat’s Behind That Huge Checklist in Your Divorce Case
Categories: Divorce
When we first meet potential divorce clients, we ask what brings them to our office. The answer – including why someone wants a divorce or is considering it – gives us the first idea of how we best can represent them. Over the course of the majority of divorce cases, clients will be asked to Read More
Adultery: A Big Word with Limited Impact in Divorce Cases
Categories: Alimony, Divorce, Marital Property
In many of the divorce cases that our team handles, unfortunately, adultery plays a role. Sometimes it follows struggles within a marriage, such as when a married couple hadn’t been intimate in years. Sometimes it’s shattering, as one spouse cheats while the other thought they were in a happy marriage. While the emotional and psychological Read More
Creating a Smooth Holiday Season for Your Children During and After Divorce
Categories: Child Custody, Divorce
The 2021 holiday season will, for many families, be the first taste of “back to normal” following the COVID-19 pandemic. With parents wanting to return to holiday traditions, out-of-town travel, family dinners and other festivities, it can be a challenge for those divorcing or recently divorced to establish new routines in a year like no Read More
Getting Cute About Prenups Won’t Fly in Georgia
Categories: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement
There is nothing less romantic than a prenuptial agreement – the contract between two lovebirds deciding how they’ll divide assets in the unthinkable event that they divorce. But if you’re going to have that awkward conversation, you might as well do it correctly. We’ve noticed a lot of cases lately in which one soon-to-be ex-spouse Read More