3330 Cumberland Blvd., 100 City View, Suite 999, Atlanta, GA 30339


Case Law Reviews: Divorce

Should You Postpone Your Divorce Until After the New Year?

Categories: Divorce

When a couple ultimately decides on divorce, the spouses typically want to get the matter resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible. However, there may be a financial advantage to staying married through the end of the calendar year. Tax liability is a major factor that should be considered when negotiating a divorce settlement. Couples Read More

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Protecting Your Child During a Divorce: The Private Courtroom Keeps Family Secrets Out of Public Record

Categories: Child Custody, Divorce

Georgia is one of only two states in the country that permits divorcing spouses to air their grievances before a jury of their peers. Although jury trials in divorce cases are relatively rare, the issue of child custody in divorce is not. As a matter of public policy and state law – regardless of whether Read More

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Parents Getting Divorced: How to Handle the Conversation with Children

Categories: Divorce

The divorce process can be grueling, emotional and stressful. If you’re a parent, one of the saddest parts of getting divorced is telling your children. Children may not be able to comprehend such a major life decision, especially if they are young, and they may think that they were to blame for the divorce. Children Read More

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Digital Assets in Divorce: How Are They Divided?

Categories: Divorce, Marital Property

With our lives increasingly intertwined with technology, the division of digital assets is an area that shouldn’t be overlooked in a divorce. Digital assets include any content, such as photos, videos, music and documents, stored on smartphones, tablets, computers or remote servers that make up the cloud. Part of any divorce is determining how to Read More

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Why do many marriages end in divorce? The answer may not be what you think.

Categories: Divorce

In family law, it’s one of the questions we hear all the time: “What’s the most common reason people get divorced?” People assume an affair is often to blame for breaking up a marriage. However, many divorce lawyers who have handled all types of family law cases say infidelity typically is a symptom of fundamental Read More

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Navigating the Unique Pitfalls of Divorce for Same-Sex Couples in Georgia

Categories: Child Custody, Divorce

The landmark Supreme Court ruling in 2015, Obergefell v. Hodges, gave same-sex couples the right to marry throughout the United States, but not all marriages last forever. Divorce is just as much a reality for same-sex couples as it is for heterosexual unions. When a same-sex couple residing in Georgia decides to end their marriage and Read More

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